AMARANTH Its a Pre Columbian plant belonging to the family of Amaranthaceae; secutive in South and Central America, in partucular Andean valleys of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile. Its name means eternal life because it grows in less fertile land and with a minimal amount of water, also because a single plant can produce about one million seeds, and without grass, can keep their nutritional properties for over 40 years.

Amaranth is mainly characterized by its extraordinary quantity and quality of essential amino acids, including lysine, methionine, tryptophan, arginine and others that are fundamental to the development of brain function and decreased bad cholesterol because it contains Omega 3. It is rich in squalene, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, amylopectin starch, methionine, vitamin C and B polyunsaturated fats and is gluten-free (suitable for celiacs).

Nutritionists recommend a daily diet containing 20% protein, 10% polyunsaturated fat and 70% carbohydrates and Amaranth-based products are the recommended nutritional balance. That is why since 1979 the Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (NAS) and the Organization for Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (FAO), called it the best food of plant origin for human consumption.



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