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DCI - Amadeo Amaranto, participated in some international fairs, among them we could nominate ower participation in:

Berlín - Grüne Woche Berlin (Green Week Fair):

Amadeo Amaranto participated in the Green Week Fair in Berlin. International Green Week (IGW) is an exhibition in kind for food, agriculture and horticulture where producers from around the world use the fair as a market for food and luxury items

(WEB: www.gruenewoche.de)

Germany - Biofach Fair:

DCI - Amadeo Amaranth participated in BioFach fair, that offers a wide range ofnatural products and fair trade products, apart from setting Exposed everything you need to know about marketing and agricultural subminister, Bio Fach report annually to participation of highly qualified professionals and high quality products that comply with European Union regulations.

(WEB: www.biofach.de)

Cochabamba, Bolivia - Naturex:

On more than one opportunity we participate in regional fairs and the fair Naturex of Agriculture, Horticulture and Livestock in Cochabamba Bolivia.

:: Company Spirit
            Eco-efficient company
We care about the environment, make a sustainable use of natural resources.
          Solidarity Corporate
We are looking for food sovereignty, nutrition, health and income generation.
Being eco-efficient and supportive of ensuring its ability to self-sustainability

Amadeo Amaranto