Since its inception DCI processes involved in training farmers on sustainable production, eco-efficient amaranth looking mostly to the sustainable development of all regions that today are the providers of Amaranth for our products.
Depending on the field were organized and rotational cropping for eco-efficient production.

Andean valleys of Bolivia:
Sustainable production and consumption- Amaranth based products in all Andean Valleys of Bolivia, the poorest provinces of Cochabamba and the highest rate of child malnutrition in Bolivia.

Poor communities in Bolivia:
Our company DCI Amaranth gave amaranth based products to the elderly people in different poor communities in Bolivia, the experiences that recovered after consuming the product gentlemen told us: "It has improved my life, makes us our stomach work, which makes we eat well and it helps us sleep well, which makes we wake up happiness".

Training in Cordoba Argentina:
He trained at the Foundation for the Elderly in Cordoba, Argentina on the form of amaranth cultivation and production, in addition to the profits of the Amaranth-based products.
